IWS Globe Art is a global network platform for art.
In 2012, Mr. Atanur Dogan from Canada founded the “International Watercolor Society”. Since its establishment, the society expanded rapidly with the development of more than 100 branches around the world. With the desire of expanding from the singular focus of watercolor to include all forms of art for cultural exchange, this global art network was initiated. This platform aims to add strength to IWS and create more opportunities for both amateur and professional artists.
The IWS Globe art network carries the IWS institutions and IWS branches, both collectively and individually following the mission of IWS – to bring love, peace and harmony through art.
The IWS institutions is a commercial part of our network which offer chances for all leaders and IWS members a popular high standard platform to sell their arts, art materials, and making online courses, This will collaborate with society branches and institutions to form a strong IWS network of art.
IWS Globe Art Network is separated into two divisions ( non- profit / charitable branches ) and commercial institutions. The two divisions will be more clear for management purposes and to avoid any confusion.
IWS Branches:
Each branch is directly under the main umbrella of the IWS Globe Art Network. The branches must be a non-profit organisation and they are recommended to be registered in their own respective countries. All branches are independent and can organise IWS events as long as they follow the mission of the IWS Societies Rules and regulations. .
IWS Institutions:
This is the commercial section of IWS which includes but is not limited to galleries, Art Cafe, Education centre, Art centre, Art group, Museum and Art villages. IWS institutions are authorised to use IWS logos upon signing the agreement with IWS Globe Art Network.
The International Watercolor Society (IWS) was created to spread love, friendship and harmony throughout the world, using the medium of watercolor to encourage peace, mutual understanding and respect.
Use of free online resources and social media
The International Watercolor Society recognizes the potential of using free online resources and social media to further our cause. We have used social media to share inspiring watercolor art of world watercolor artists. Not only do we use the web to gather and disseminate information, showcase watercolor art, it has proven itself an effective platform for launching a global network. Since the inception of IWS in 2012, social media has been used to connect watercolor artists and supporters worldwide. By 2014, boosted by the enthusiasm from participating international artists, the next phase, that of creating IWS country branches, commenced. We intend to promote and popularize watercolor/watermedia in every country by setting up branches from which we can reach out to local artists, offering guidance, opportunities to interact with other artists and take part in international exhibitions facilitated or supported by the International Watercolour Society. By the start of 2016, branch country membership is over 80 strong with more applications coming in. It is with pride that we also want to share how IWS seems to have become a harbinger of peace between nations as we continue to promote diversity, diplomacy and respect. Our policy of cooperation and working outside of race, politics, religion, and using art to bridge differences seems to have paid off.
Festivals, Exhibitions, Partnerships
Festivals and exhibitions are effective means to promote watercolor painting by presenting to the world exceptional watercolor art and artists. These events also become interaction points for attending artists, collectors, academicians from various countries. We seek and work with already established watercolor societies for mutual benefit. We mobilize support to watercolor events by information drive and by encouraging participation of our members.
Education and our Information Drive
We give great importance to learning and in sharing knowledge and experience specially to artists showing an interest and potential in watercolor. We strive to uplift the caliber of the watercolor medium through discussions, seminars, workshops and masterclasses held by IWS members around the world. We also publish periodical journals of watercolor art .
We present advancements in watercolor technology/production to dispel outdated and misleading notions about watercolors. We work with art supply companies and authorities in the field to help disseminate information that will help bring watercolors to new light.
We give our very best effort. Handle projects and tasks efficiently. It describes our approach to work, service and how we relate to one another. It is acting with dignity and decorum. We acknowledge and take our responsibilities seriously.
Joining the organization requires commitment. It is a pledge to action. A promise to support projects by volunteering skills or labor when possible.
We are embarking on a monumental task and success is possible only if we work together. We give respect and practice courtesy and diplomacy at all times. We listen and open ourselves to new ideas and welcome innovation. We provide support to one another’s projects or activities. We work to achieve mutually beneficial results.
We put great worth in initiative and people who work and
give their best to the organization. We recognize, give credit and reward contributions and efforts.
Personal Development
We pursue all opportunities to learn to become better individuals. We welcome new creative ideas and acquire new skills. We will welcome chances to improve by encouraging feedback, creative criticism, coaching and mentoring.