II FINEness International Art Festival organized by IWS Poland in Rybnik. 19-24.04.2024
Historic Ignacy Mine, City Information Point Hello!Rybnik, City Gallery, Municipal Public Library and Silesian open air – in these locations, from 19 to 24 April, the events that make up the second edition of the FINEness International Art Festival will take place.
II FINEness International Art Festival is an event on the international cultural map. Behind its organization is the IWS Poland association of watercolor lovers. Rybnik artist Aneta Gajos, president of the association and artistic director of the festival, took care of the international cast of the event.
During the second edition of FINEness there will be an opportunity to admire works of art from distant corners of the world, as well as to meet artists who will come to Rybnik especially for this occasion from such corners of the world as Peru, Costa Rica, Macedonia, Iran, India, Slovakia, Thailand, Mexico and many other countries.
For our the participants of the festival, the organizers have prepared, among others: live painting shows, step-by-step painting lessons, meetings among the city's monuments, watercolor workshops, Urban Sketching workshops, urban plein-air, Art Package Cultural Tour (Štramberk, Krakow, Szlak Zabytków Techniki), performance, international art exhibition, Drink & Draw (Coffee Painting, Wine Painting), the opportunity to test watercolors and a fair of products for artists... And these are just some of the attractions.
There will also be an opportunity to meet world-famous watercolourists, sculptors, photographers, painters and graphic artists.